Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Democrats may NOT have won the Senate

Ladies and Gentlemen, possibly one of the most powerful and scary men in Washington... Joe Lieberman.

The claim that the Democrats have won control of the Senate is based upon nothing more than a comment from Lieberman that he would caucus with the Democrats.

Nothing more then the word of a well known liar.

Lieberman is a NeoConservative.

Lieberman has been a staunch advocate for the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

An occupation which most Americans, think was a mistake.

He has backed almost every single neoconservative initiative in the Bush administration, which has made him something of a celebrity among the kool-aid drinking Fox News Republicans and their talking heads like Sean Hannity.

Lieberman knows perfectly well that he only won because of the overwhelming Republican support he got. On election night he refused to take Harry Reid's phone call to congratulate him but he did take calls from Republican Senators.

Now this past Sunday, on Meet the Press Tim Russert asked Joe this question:
"MR. RUSSERT: If in fact they ask for discipline in the Democratic caucus, and you start to feel uncomfortable with it, would you consider crossing across the—going across the aisle, and joining the Republicans, if they gave you the same chairmanship that you had, and respected your seniority?"

Mr Lieberman's answer:
"SEN. LIEBERMAN: I’m not ruling it out, but I hope I don’t get to that point."

I am going to go out on a limb here and predict that for the next four years, Lieberman is going to use the threat of switching over to the Republicans to force the Democrats to bend to his neoconservative will on important issues like Iraq. He can force our troops to stay in that quagmire needlessly dying all because he believes, as all the neocons do, that we should be using America's military to fight for Israel's security.

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